Mikkel Funder is a Senior Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, Denmark. He conducts collaborative research on climate change and environment in the global south, with a particular emphasis on agency, governance and institutional change.
Selected publications:
Interface bureaucrats and the everyday remaking of climate interventions: Evidence from climate change adaptation in Zambia. Funder, M. & Mweemba, C. E. (2019) Global Environmental Change. 55, March 2019, p. 130-138
Collaboration between meso-level institutions and communities to facilitate climate change adaptation in Ghana. Fogt Rasmussen, J. , Friis-Hansen, E., & Funder, M. (2018) Climate and Development, April 2018, 1-10.
The politics of climate change adaptation in development: Authority, resource control and state intervention in rural Zambia. Funder, M., Mweemba, C. E. & Nyambe, I. (2017) Journal of Development Studies. 54 (1) 30-46
Climate change and Planned Relocation. Lindegaard, L. S. & Funder, M. (2017). Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS Policy Brief; November 2017]
Climate change adaptation and decentralization: The case of local governments in rural Zambia. Funder, M., Mweemba, C. E. & Nyambe, I. (2017) In: Decentralized Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa. CABI Books, p. 39-50
Understanding Sub-National Climate Governance: Findings from Nepal, Uganda, Vietnam and Zambia. Christoplos, I., Aben, C., Bashaasha, B., Dhungana, H., Friis-Hansen, E., Funder, M., Huong, N. T. T., Khatri, D. B., Lindegaard, L., Mweemba, C. E., Ngoan, L. D., Nyambe, I., Ojha, H., Okiror, J. J., Pain, A. & Sen, L. T. H. (2016) Danish Institute for International Studies. DIIS Report; 05, 2016
Policy-makers and climate financing in African LDCs: The case of Zambia. Funder, M. (2016). In: Financing Sustainable Development: Actors, Interests, Politics. Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies, p. 76-91 15 p.
Making the Green Climate Fund work for the poor: Why the poor may not benefit from major new climate fund, and what to do about it. Funder, M., Christoplos, I., Friis-Hansen, E., Lindegaard, L. S. & Pain, A. 2015 Copenhagen: Danish Institute for International Studies. DIIS Policy Brief; 03, 2015.
Local bureaucrats as bricoleurs: The everyday implementation practices of county environment officers in rural Kenya. Funder, M. & Marani, M. (2015). International Journal of the Commons. 9, 1, p. 87-106
Poverty, food security and local water conflicts in southern Zambia. Funder, M., Mweemba, C. & Nyambe, I. (2015). In: New Challenges to Food Security: From Climate Change to Fragile States. Christoplos, I. & Pain, A. (eds.). Routledge, p. 184-199
Human rights perspectives on climate change adaptation: Civil society experiences in Cambodia and Kenya Christoplos, I., Funder, M., McGinn, C. & Wairimu, W. (2014) Danish Institute for International Studies.DIIS Report; No. 30, Vol. 2014
Strategies of the poorest in local water conflict and cooperation: evidence from Zambia, Vietnam and Bolivia. Funder, M., Bustamante, R., Cossio, V., Pham, H. T. M., Van Koppen, B., Mweemba, C. E., Nyambe, I., Le, P. T. T. & Skielboe, T. (2012) Water alternatives. 5, 1, p. 20-36