Closing the Climate Information Gap
Alphonce Agola Mollo, Iben Nathan, & Winnie V. Mitullah
Supporting pastoralist adaptation to climate change in Kenya: Beyond a “one-size-fits all” approach
Sylvia Rotich, Martin Marani and Mikkel Funder
The Community Land Act (CLA) 2016 and Pastoralists’ Access to Land for Adaptation
Iben Nathan, Karuti Kanyinga and Rahma Hassan
The Impact of Community-Based Conservation on Pastoralists’ Climate Change Adaptation
Jackson Wachira, Paul Stacey, Joanes Atela and George Outa
Why land rights are important for climate action
Mikkel Funder, Joanes Atela, Iben Nathan, Alphonce Mollo, Charles Tonui and Leah Aoko